Blognomicon Swords and Wizardry Day

 1- Chronicles of Ganth! - Homebrewed heartbreaker

 2 - Secrets of the Shadowend - Something wicked this way comes

3 - They Might Be Gazebos

4 - Mad-Kyndalanth - 'to share good stories afterwards' 

5 - Dizzy Dungeon - New School falls for the OSR

6 - Gothridge Manor - OMG, its full of Sleestaks

7 - Lapsus Calumni

8 - 19th Level - Musings on RPGs & Fiction

9 - Sycarion Diversions - "One day, Spelljammer will return!"

10 - Dorkland!

12 - Dreams of Mythic Fantasy

13 - Daily OSR fix - Random tables makes me smile 

15 - Realms of Chirak - "Eclectic Gaming Madness from Camazotz"
16 - Quickly, Quietly, Carefully - OD&D exegis, retro stupid fun

17 - Dreams in the Lich House

19 - RPG Delisi - A Turkish blog about RPGs

21 - Semper Initiativus Unum - Rethinking Classic Tropes, Sharing History 

22 - Red Box Denver - Old School Adventure in Denver

23 - Bat in the Attic - Hexes, Sandboxes, and Wilderlands 

24 - Reverend Dak dot Blogspot - Bicycles, Beer and 20-sided Dice

25 - The Ongoing Campaign - Obscure Games and Famous Ones

28 - Once More Unto the Breach - Rediscovering the joy of roleplaying!

30 - Fear No Darkness - reasons...not rules

31 - Mythmere's Blog (Mr S&W Himself ;)

37 - The Space Cockroach's Hideout - Space, Modern and fantastic Adventures

40 - Tenkar's Tavern - "OSR To the Core!"

43 - Porky's Expanse - a nebulous region of hobby space

46 - Ilea jacta Est -  A 20-Sided Look at Life

47 - Blood & Battle - Swords & Wizardry resources, reviews, recaps 

51 - Battle Axes and Beasties - Sporadic Babbling about Various Stuff

54 - Strange Stones - Strange Stones: Demons, Rogues, and Lemurian Barbarians

56 - Le Verre Violet - Hexcrawls, Blackmoor, Carcosa and OD&Dities

57 - The Sorcerer Speaks! - Purple Sorcerer News, and stuff

59 - O Druida Hierofante (The Hierophant Druid) - Swords & Wizardry in Brasil

60 - The Rusty Battle Axe - Home of Haiku: The RPG

61 - Keith Davies -- In My Campaign - Too heavy for Tenkar's reading ;)

62 - Necropraxis - OD&D, rules hacking, necromantic musings

63 - Rended Press - Free typos deal double damage!

65 - hDan's YAGB - Traveller, D&D and related interests 

66 - Like Being Read to From Dictionaries - It's Like Reading A Dictionary

67 - Vargold - The Wolf-Time

68 - The Wizard's Chest - Gaming Like We are 10

69 - Wampus Country - Whimsical tall-tale fantasy frontier

71 - Epic RPG Blog - San Diego's RPG Scene 

72 - Kingdoms in Trevail - Infrequent & random old-school gaming thoughts :)

73 - Jeffro's Space Gaming Blog - Microgames, Monster Games, and RPG's 

74 - Swords & Dorkery - the name is the description

75 - Dice of Doom - Old School Cool

76 - Infinite Dragons - Adventure Unlimited

77 - Dyson's Dodecahedron - Award Winning Dungeon Design

78 - 
The Ultimate Josha - RPG reviews, stories, and thoughts

79 - 
Places to Go, People to Be - RPGs are easily accessible self-expression

80 - 
Tales From the Tower - Recaps, Campaign Info, Game Art

81 - 
Tenfootpole - Hypocrite reviews OSR adventures

82 - 
Ynas Midgard's OSR Blog - irregular musings and content for D&D

83 - 
Castelli & Chimere (Castles & Chimeras) - My musings on D&D (OSR)

84 - 
What Do I Know? - One Gamer Yapping; Many RPGs

85 -
 Dungeon of Signs - Drunken OSR glossolalia

86 - 
The Frothy Friar - Advancing back to basics
87 - 
Tower of the Archmage 
88 - 
The Adventures of the Clock Caravel - Eclectic Crowdsourced Virtual Steampunk Roleplaying

89 - Requiem for a Muse

90 - Scottenkainenland

92 - Pilgrims Guide to Zeitgeist - A journey into the worlds i play in

93 - Forgotten Runes

94 - @ Padre's - Dragonquest lives on!

95 - Heropress

96 - Basic Fantasy RPG Blog -  The Basic Fantasy RPG Blog

97 - Rather Gamey - "How squirrel tastes."

98 - Into the Dungeondark - TPKs Continue Until Play Improves

99 - ubiHEX

100 - Mesmerized By Sirens - Carrying the torch of defunct fantasy role-playing games

101 - Tower of the Lonely GM

102 - The Frog God's Blog - where you can be the frog, not the flies
103 - The Dice Are a Lie

104 - Acirema Mountain - Playing the first Finnish rpg

105 - Ruthless Diastema BlogCast - Life From a Gamer's Perspective

106 - Jack's Toolbox - tools and tips for DMs

107 - Hits to Kill

108 - Lost in Time - D&D, Jorune, and other gubbins

109 - Jasper's Rantings - Random D&D/OSR/RPG and Geekish Amusements

110 - D20 Dark Ages - From 1989 to the Present

111 - The Iron Tavern - Cold Dwarven Ale and Casual Conversation

112 - Machpants' Blog - Mashing S&W for my kids

114 - The Campaign Expanse  - Settings perilous and other sundry

115 - Hexgeneration - Post Punk & Old School Role Play

117 - iDungeon Crawl - RPGs, macs and other things

118 - Theoretical GM - Sporadic Musings and Adventurous Ideas

119 - Aeons & Augeries -  

120 - Observational Epidemiology -

121 - Polar Bear Dreams and Stranger Things - Being the demented ramblings of a crazy person

123 - Carjacked Seraphim - A Blog about tabletop RPG Gaming

124 - Under Siege

125 - New Grog on the Block - OSR from a younger perspective

126 - â€¦and the sky full of dust.

129 - The OSR Library

131 - Realms in the Mist -  gaming, the osr, reviews, and house rules

132 - I Am Teh Bagder - Gaming, geekery and groanery


134 -
 Der Goblinbau -

135 - 
Alex Schroeder: RPG - Old School Sandboxing & some code

136 - 
Blog: The Eye of Joyful Sitting Amongst Friends

137 - 
Feargus' Gaming Corner

138 - 
Mutants and Magic

139 - 

140 - 
M Blackburn: A Writer's Journey

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