
An alphabetical listing of games owned by me (mostly .pdfs on my hard drive, a few years out of date).


13th age
52 page Rulebook                    
Only covers level 1-3      ****


 Solid but Low Magic      ***


Abstract Dungeon                  
Dice Pool Based, Handy random trait generation   ***

Accordian Files                       
8 page pocket mod, not much to see   **

 Pick a path style from 1986 includes Zombie players         **

Adventurers’ Tale                   
d6 old word doc not sure if it's complete        **

Adventure Fantasy Game     
Only 4 classes and d6 resolution. Mr. Grecco has written more interesting things  **

Adventure Time                      
For fans of the show a 4e fan port capped at level 5 ***

Adventurer and Troll             
Short Pocket mod thing            *

One of the better old school but still class locked   ***

Two page rules 2d6 resolution, might be fun           **

More advanced dnd than old school   ***

Adventures Fantastique        
d20 based in French      **

Adventures in Fantasy          
Arneson's Lawsuit game Proof that Dungeons and Dragons needed Gary to write the rules                    *

Adventures in Oz                    
2d6 dice pool resolution point buy, good coverage of the Oz books in monsters and magic               ***

Dyson's masterwork. A little rough         ***

Nice artwork and layout. A baroque weave of race class and skill. A bit complex for my tastes                  ***

Adventuring Party                  
Point Buy Dice pool rather short        **

2d10 resolution lots of charts and lots of complexity         **

Age of Shadows                       
Open quest clone. Nice layout. ***

Ages past the Incan Sphere   
d10 dice pool, included campaign setting, pretty layout, archetype  followed by point buy character creation                      **

 Greek Mythology increasing dice size system. No magic System apparent                                                   **

Alchemists of Pwang              
Micro game uses Tarot cards   *

Play courtiers in medieval setting very limited       *

Altus Adventum                     
Skill based system. Have to revisit. Lots of stuff      ***

Amazing Roleplaying             
Universal system 2d10  based. Way too many options       **

d20 based but 905 pages           **

d20 based clean layout only 60 pages worth a second look           ***

 d100 post apocalyptic not my cup of tea         **

Anima Prime                           
2d6 based wordy              



Arduin (revised)                     
My review on this link. Too many options    ***

Argyle and Crew                      
Sock puppet role-playing d6 resolution          **

Army Ants                                
d6 ant role-playing         **

Arrghh bottom Sound           
Ship based game more miniatures than rpg *

Arrows of Indra                       
d20 in East Indian setting must revisit         ***

Ars Magika                               
I liked it. My players hated it.   ***

Fuzion system within comic book world. Liked the game better than the comic.                                        ***

d100 based Sci Fi            **

 card based I only have the intro           

Astonishing Swordsmen       
d20 based d20 license re-skin (note I have 1ed)      **

Avalyn Quest                           
Pathfinder solo rules     **

d6 based pocket mod pretty skimpy    *

Open d6 extensive world setting         ***


Back to the Dungeon            
 d20 simplified in first volume and re complexified by Vol 7         **

Balrogs and Bagginses           
d20 trying to be tolkienesque. List of traits includes corrupted ones. Some possibilities here         ***

Bandits and Basilisks             
Very short. Very Old school     ***

Bandits and battlecruisers    
Space version of bandits and basilisks 140pages?    ***

Barbarian Prince                    
More board game than rpg but some interesting encounter tables         **

Barbarians of Leumria          
2d6 system uses careers instead of skills and classes. May give it a shot  ****

Post apocalyptic version barbarians of Lemuria ***

Barebones Fantasy                
 d100 based uses classes as skill everyone has a rating in all classes. Actually played a demo system worked OK. Interesting random adventure generator but was a little too random for me.                ***

Baron Munchausen               
Very stilted writing style. There may be a game in there somewhere     *

Barons of the West                 
Empires miniature game army list      

1d8 attributes 2d8 resolution. Large career tree nice set of skills           ***

Basic Fantasy                           
Solid OSR. I always get confused with BFRP but they are quite different. Allows split classes                 ***

Battle Axe                                 
Warhammeresque Miniature game    

Battle masters                         
3d6 resolution 13 pages not much more than basic combat         *

Battle Tech                               
That Giant robot miniature game       

Beast of Limfjord                    
12 page micro game variable dice size resolution. Pre gen characters only but some interesting thoughts.                                      **

Beasts and barbarians           
Savage World Campaign Setting Not bad.     ***

Early RPG I bought mine in 1981 printed only?

Beat to Quarters                     
Age of Sail RPG Card deck resolution. Not really fantasy. **

Uni system for Tekumel some possibilities but quite complex skill system                                                   ***

Beyond the Gates of Antares                                          
 Sci-Fi Miniature Game        

Beyond the Wall                     
Basic game very close to d20 source. Character Play Books take it in a interesting direction              ****

I remain in love with this fantasy heart breakers six schools of magic one for each attribute. Campaign setting is a bit too stretched from the mainline to sit well with my players                                       ****

 Only own book one which not enough to play. Main features are oldness (1976) and rarity (although are rumors of a reprint. What I have seems fiddly   **

Big Brown Book                     
 d6 conversion of the little brown books of OD&D lots of mass combat rules . I like d20 better.         **

setting for delving deeper          

Bleake Rebellion                      
Story game of 18th century revolution. I only have the sample. Not my cup of tea.                                 *

Blood and Bullets                   
Swords and Wizardry adapted to the wild west        ***

Blood and treasure                 
AD&D clone. No race as class (good) but lots of subclass craziness (bad)                                                   ***

Blue Ocean                               
lots of classes, skills and feats 3e vibe. Nothing breakout. ***

Basic Set clone. Just OK            **

Core rules missing          

Break the Ice                           
Story game of Dating. Not my cup of tea.      **

For Lego minifigs, related to searchers of the unknown, very brief         

Playtest version no class just skills and feats          ***

trying to be simple mostly confusing **

Broken Urthe                          
Post apocalyptic OSR some possibilities if I was into that sort of game  **

Fuzzy animal miniature battle game  

Burgs and Baliffs                    
Role-playing game of actual medieval life more of a spoof than a game.                                                   **

Burning Wheel                       
Interesting core mechanic. Too focused intraparty conflict and letting the dice do the thinking               *

By this Axe                               
medieval miniature skirmish   


Cool Art  but hard to follow. D6 based? Unpublished DM guide might have explained things better.                                          **

Card-based resolution RPG just the core mechanics          **

Cartoon Action Hour Fantasy Genre Compendium (out of print)  
d12 resolution uses oomph and stunt points instead of levels but at 191 pages for the base rules plus 450 pages for Fantasy seems a bit wordy                                        ***

Cave Adventures                     
A true fantasy heartbreaker from when the author was 13 and D&D was banned in school. Uses a spinner because dice were also banned. Includes authors current thoughts as annotation to the scanned dot matrix text. Worth a look.    ***

Caverns and Cavaliers            
Authors outline for an old school game. Combat focused. Large number of one sentence class variants. With some work could be good.      **

Chain reaction                         
Skirmish Miniature Game d6 based    

A pamphlet explaining how to use chainmail in OD&D. Something oddly not included in the little brown books                           

Class power system. D20 resolution. DM does not roll dice boo! ***

Chaos and Barberie                
It's in French. Appears to mostly a translation of the d20 SRD  but the are some spaceship rules too.     **

Chaosium Basic Role-playing 
d100 based. Not bad but needs campaign setting to flesh it out.                                

d20 based from the stone age to the space age. Well done although the advancement is a bit weird   ***

Chivalry and Sorcery              
Interesting reading. Seriously flawed game. No reason for different classes to adventure or hang out together. Reprinting FUBARed by deaths of authors and Fantasy Games Unlimited churlishness.       **

Chronicles of Cathura            
d6 based fantasy heartbreaker lots of new races and monsters.   **

Chronicles of Skin                  
Story game using cards and sketching. Designed for one shots no continuing campaign (bad)   **

Chronos LARP                        
Suggestions for writing your own LARPs      ***

Chuubos Marveleous Wish Granting Engine              
A meta-game of role-playing games. Obtuse and wordy but pretty.                    **

Profession skill-based system. Extra stats. Way too complex.
Circle of Hands                        
Fantasy Heartbreaker. Interesting Read. There's a game in there somewhere                              **

Clash of Arms
 d20 supplements             

Clockwork Empire                  
Steampunk game Everyone has a rating in everything. Card-based resolution system. Unfortunately, quick start does not include cards making the system hard to assess        *

the Cog Wars                           
Steam punk setting. a game of write your own traits. Will require a good DM                                             ***

Colors of Grey                         
Micro game based on thieving **

Conjectural roleplaying gamemaster emulator           
Random system for procedural game play. Might work                                          **

Dark future role-playing 2d6 resolution       **

Creatures and Caverns          
Not bad for a teenage fantasy heartbreaker. Very short     **

Creeks and Crawdads             
Dice pool based game of crawdad adventure. Short . No advancement.  *

Crimson Blades of Ara           
Unique and Original. Balance needs tweaking         ****

Crimson Dragon Slayer         
d6 dice pool based. Very tongue-in-cheek. Real-life characters transported to a fantasy world. Your skills based on real work jobs.        ***

Game of Witches 3d6 resolution. meh          **

Crumbling Epoch                    
OSR Heartbreaker. Random skill generation. Escalating die-based combat. Some unique classes and monsters.                              ***

Crypts and Things                   
Another OSR                   ***


The d20 SRD. The thing that got the ball rolling    ****


d6 dice pool game lots of genres          ***

Simplified labyrinth lord for kids        ***

Dangers and Dweomers        
Nice clean system Classes paired down to four. Uses secondary skill system similar to AD&D each character gets one extra profession ****

Dark Dungeons                       
D10 based, pretty minimalist    

the Dark Eye                            
Big in Germany. 8 attributes, 14 classes, a point build system with a large list of advantages and disadvantages. Well translated and workable, but a bit complex.            ***

Like the low fantasy vibe. Attributes and character creation a bit complex, seems to resolve into a skill rating at the end         ***

Dark Horrors Hidden places  
Steam punk apocalypse core rules close to vanilla d20                                            ***

Dark Passages                          
d20 based 3d6 in order attributes but bonuses for most scores and free 14. Skill list is core. Classes advance in skills at specified levels. Different advance for different skills. Intriguing.                                ***

Dark Realms                            
d6 based system but not a good one   *

Darkest Age                             
Medieval Apocalypse d20  system       **

two-page campaign setting         

Dawn of Worlds                     
Cooperative World Build game. Might be fun          ***

Delving Deeper                        
Another retro-clone others are better            **

Demon the Descent               
World of darkness game same rules different setting        **

Board game                       

2d6 resolution but not added together slick but tricky math. Only have the quick start.                        **

Devil John Moulton               
Western Story Game short one shot  *

Dinky Dragons                        
Dinky Dungeon retro clone. No Fuzzy Winkers = epic fail (Dinky Dungeons wasn't much but the Fuzzy Winker race of weasels who did nothing but cower and complain were a hoot and well illustrated in cartoon form)            *

Divvy in the Dungeon            
Loot dividing card game. Yawn.           *

Role-playing Board Game d 20 based pretty close to an RPG       **

Dogs in the Vineyard             
Western Story Game interesting setting with complicated dice mechanics but things are going to go bad eventually                              **?

 d20 dice pool game (really?) Claim one primary ability plus four supporting abilities open ended.                                     **

Dragon Sword                         
Tri stat(bad) eight skills(has potential) d6 based resolution(bad)           *

Classic game from the 80s. Could have stayed in the ’80 very class locked                                                   **

Micro20 variant. Liked the big list of powers for each class          ***

Post-apocalyptic Dream Word Story game. No, just no.     *

Drowning and Falling            
Not a serious game. Interesting card encounter generator though.        **

The classic board game. The alternate fork to DnD. Fun for a few hours but not life changing.              

Dungeon Crawl                       
2d6 resolution. Uses custom card desk for adventure generation.          **

Dungeon Crawler                   
Board game                       

Dungeon Delvers                    
Pocket mod d6 based game      *

Dungeon Escape                      
Card Game uses standard deck             

Dungeon Kind                         
Incomplete set of notes  

Dungeon Raiders                    
Short form version of OSR only 10 pages. Fairly clean.      **

Dungeon Slayer                      
Rules light but the price is good          ***

Dungeon Squad                       
Original is rules light variable dice resolution. A number of supplements including advanced dungeon squad.                              ***

Could be a game in there somewhere, but I didn’t find it   

Dungeon World                      
Lots of great ideas but game play is a bit different. Seems to require a lot of DM prep to make it fun.    ***

Card Game                        

Solo adventure with procedural adventure generation and card deck    **

Dungeons and Drunkards    
drinking supplement      

Dungeons Daring                     
Lots of spreadsheets unfortunately the game needs them            *

Dungeons the Dragoning      
d10 based extremely complicated . Not sure if they're serious.     **

Duty and Honour                   
Napoleonic RPG card base resolution. No fantasy.  **

Dying Earth                             
d6 based. Tries to emulate Jack Vance's Dying Earth. Abilities are rated as motivations. Not quite getting it.                                   **?


Early Dark                                
d10 dice pool. Lots of campaign specific information. Rules are listed as grammar for some reason. Three Main attributes Mundane, Arcane, and Loom. Filled to the brim with interesting ideas, actual mechanics may take some study to unwind           ***

East Mark                                
 Very good game I have reviewed in my blog. Translation of Spanish game. Kickstarter underpriced the starter so translator license was pulled. Several expansions already written in Spanish. Rumors of a new translator every so often.       ****

Electronic Character generation and game creation software       

Eldritch Ass Kicking               
2d10 system. Focused on wizard duels rather than broader game play. I like the name.                         ***

Elegia renamed to Retrophaze                                                     

Empire Galactique                  
French game. I'm still translating.       

D6 miniature game         

Science Fiction Role Playing from 1979. Includes Wookie race and Doxy class. Read for historic interest only.                             **

Endless Fantasy Tactics         
Table Top miniatures version of the CRPG. I am overly fond of the skirmish maps.                         

Engines and Empire               
Steam Punk variant of labyrinth lords. New characters make a bit different game                         ****

Entropic Gaming System      
Progressive dice system. Nothing really grabs me. Quick start is 81 pages                                                   **

Epees et Sorcerile                   
2d6 French game but actually has an English translation. Pretty close to other systems.                          

Just have a couple starter adventures             

Epic Heros                                
Brink of Battle Miniatures expansion for fantasy.    

variable dice stats. A bit stilted and obtuse.  **

E-RPG Saga: Gamemaster Lodestar                                           

E-RPG Saga: The Fantasy Saga                                                    

Nicely laid out and written, but pretty close to OGL           ***

Medieval Horror. D 10 resolution. 5 ways detailing characters emotional approach 16 domains covering specific skills. System seems reasonably solid although there seems as in many horror games an undercurrent to encourage irrational actions by the players            ***

Eternal Contender                  
Combat-focused warrior-only card-based resolution. A little narrow for my taste                                    **

Exemplars and Eidolons        
Claims to be layout tool in the introduction. Actually a playable game in its own right. Close to other OSR                                   ***

Exiled in Eris                           
Only have character creation and core rules. D20 Sci-Fi    

Card-based Random Dungeon game. I have Beta rules.      

Explorers and Exploits                                                       


Fabled Lands                           
True to its game book roots. I am not fond of generating stats with only d6, and my complaints with 2d6 for resolutions are well known    ***

Faith and Demons                  
Play test savage worlds in early Europe          

Fallout-based RPG beta a little sketchy          

Fanstastic Adventures           
OSR pretty close to the LBB     **

Fanstastic Heroes                   
OSR resolution. Lots of new character classes         ***

Lots of text. Lots of rules still looking for character generation.           *

Fantasy Core 
d20-based says it's fantasy but all the illustrations are cyberpunk.          *

Fantasy Hero                           
Fantasy version of Champions. One of the most hopeful point-buy games I've run across I want it to work but get lost in the crunch. **

Fantasy Saga                            
OSR but rules heavy       

Faraway Land                          
Tri statted die pool game. I enjoy the artwork. May give it a shot, it had good reviews elsewhere         ***

Multi-dice resolutions math is hard   **

Fate of the Norns                    
d100 several editions since this one. Ragnarok switches to rune based resolution                                **

Fate Worse than Death Rentpunk 
Fate-based horror game     *

Fear No Darkness                   
Micro game                      *

In Spanish (I think)         

Fighting Fantasy                     
Table top version of pick-a-path adventure series. 2d6 resolution close to its roots.                                   *

Final Fantasy Roleplaying    
adaptation of the video game d100-based. Up to level 100. Every main class has its own skill list as well as several subclasses. However no sphere grid            ***

Fire and Sword                        
Skill based system writing not my style        ***

Five Moons                              
Sean Reynolds Fantasy heartbreaker. OK but not exceptional.    ***

Dreamscape role-playing. 2d6 based system ***

Flying Swordsman                 
Oriental game. I love the stunt die concept. Class based    ****

Fog of War                               
Token-based mass battle supplement  

Forest of Doors                       
Boffer LARP                      

Forgotten Futures X              
2d6 based strange dragon meat mechanics   ***

Freebooters Fate                    
Pirate miniatures game            

Layout gets in the way of the reading the rules. D6 resolutions boo! Like the keyword character creation                                       

2d6 system is a bit skimpy            **

Full Metal Plate Mail             
OSR of LBB                      ***


g core                                         
d10 based only have the fantasy Supplement            

d100 lots of charts and tables. Main rules seem to be missing. 
Gates and Gorgons                 
Fantasy Heartbreaker. Career based. D12 resolution          

very close to d20 SRD    **

Emo Story game bid resolution           *

Glimpse the Beyond               
Horror adventure supplement only     


Gods and Minions                  
Skirmish Battle Card game.      

Gods and Monsters                
Pretty Generic OGL except for mojo points   

Gothic Horror point buy character creation. D20 resolution. Well written. Has some potential                ***

Gold and Glory                        
Swords and Wizardry based. Lots of new character classes but some descriptions seem incomplete.                                        **

Golden Age                              
d10 based system. Lots of classes but only one bonus skill per class       **

Gothic Earth                            
House rules for a gothic horror campaign     

Gray Magik                              
2d6 system rules simply presented. Gain black and white points game progresses                                ***

Grey Six                                    
d20 lots of races lots of classes capped at level 6      ***

the Grey Book                         
Recreation of the Holmes rules. Did a little too good a job. No longer in print                                           

Grim World                             
Setting for either Dungeon World or FATE   

Fantasy Skirmish rules  

The old standard 3d6 resolution. Tri stat. Too much crunch in basic version and not much flavor. World specific versions are a bit better.       **


One of the first clones. First edition chock full of extra rules you didn't need. New edition more basic, but still a bit too much crunch for me.      **

2d6 based game capped at level 6        **

Halberd games                         
variable dice attribute resolution. Hard to read      **

Labyrinth Lord Adventure should have picked up the non booklet format now I'll have to print it           

Hand of Fate
Card-based resolution RPG. Some intriguing features.       

Harnmaster Advanced           
Update of the Old Hardmaster rules. Harnmaster had some nice concepts in rules organization, however I didn't care for the chart based combat resolution       **

Harmaster Gold                      
Authors fork in Harnmaster line. Response to a lighter version from the publisher.                                 **

Space Greeks. Mind blowing collection of tables and weapons from spears to laser cannons. D20 based too!                                    ****

Heroic Fantasy                        
don't quite get this one
Imaginative ideas but flawed game mechanics **

Heros against Darkness                                                    

Heros and Other Worlds       
Only have the skirmish rules have to wait for another lulu sale  

Heros Journey                        
House rule supplement  

3d6 system but some weird dice rolling conventions    **

Heros of the Jade Oath          
Eastern game based first on Arcana Evolved then Pathfinder. Pretty good but nothing new for it since 2014.                                 ***

Hither Lands                           
Another Middle Earth Role-playing game d12 based          *

Hollow Earth Expedition      
Pulp Fiction 1930's game. Dice pool based    **

Holmes Blue Book Companion Expansion
 based on D&D basic. Not sure why this is better than the expert set or the rules cyclopedia.  *

Hoodoo Blues                         
 Game of Southern Hoodoo magic. Fairly realistic spell selection not for the faint of heart. Everything is a 50/50 trial but you can keeping trying until you exceed a skill based target number of times.        ***

How to host a dungeon         
Procedural drawing game. Pretty interesting charts. Second edition in production.                               

Hulks and Horrors                 
Sci-FI OSR capped at 6th level  **

Humanspace Empires            
Futuristic OSR with Empire of the Petal Throne monsters. Uses psi and super science instead of magic                                          

Hungarian RPG                      
Translates as "Swords and Magic" Gabor Lux's attempt to bring d20 to Hungary. An abridged version is available in English.           ***


Impresa Express                      
d10 dice pool. Slightly different abilities but most else is routine. Includes laser rifles so must be high tech. However the free rules don't give much sense of the setting           **

d100 (but some d20). Very rules crunchy.    **

Some potential not enthused by 2d6 resolution though    

d10 based. Includes rules for social influence. Lots skills with advanced tier ones available. Tending towards crunchy, but core dice roll is simple.           ***

Into the Dungeon                   
One page micro game    *

Into the Odd                            
d20 versus attribute. Free version is nothing special.        **

Into the Wasteland                
Fallout version of into the odd            **

Iron Age                                  
 300- 700 ad based RPG d20 stats on d4 lots of rules          *

Iron Falcon                              
Pretty OSR standard      **

Iron Kingdoms                        
Privateer Presses Warmachine derived role playing game. Not happy with either the tri stat system, or the lowering the stats with damage. Their d20 supplements were better.                                                   **

Iron Sword                               
d20 test against attribute. Some interesting races. My copy has blank feats to be described later               **

The copy I bought was printed on index cards and included a full world and dungeons. The campaign setting was cool, the game not so much.     **


Jaws of the six serpents         
Prose Descriptive Quality (PDQ) game. You write what your characters qualities are and negotiate with DM what they mean. Checks are 2d6+quality against a target number                                                   ***

One of my favorites however I have the wild and crazy first edition not the dull as dishwater d20 conversion. Have the crappy computer game but can no long make it run. Rules trapped in limbo due to Chessex author dispute          ***

Judges Guild Universal
More how to read our stat blocks than rules. Dice conversion table is handy                                        **

screen shots of notes up for auction    


Key Role Playing                     
PBM rules worth a second look            

Kids DnD                                  
House Rules to make Kid games easier          

Kobold Midgard                      
adventures some optional classes        


Labyrinth Lord                       
OSR mainstay has an AD&D version too
Lady Blackbird                        
d6 dice pool pregen characters and only 16 pages feels like I'm missing something, but a check of the web site confirms that’s all there is.            **

Lamentations of the Flame Princess (art free grindhouse ed downloadable from blog)            Best steam punk adaptation of D&D                                       ****

Generic Runequest, of course the thing I liked best about Runequest was the setting                                ***

Legend of Anglerre                               

Legend of five rings                
Newest edition has custom dice, Boo! Some good ideas but I didn't like clan as character class either.                                          **

Legend of the wayfarer          
pick a path adventure game dice pool resolution but pretty basic.           **

Legend Quest                          
d100 lots of skills            ***

Legendary DnD                       
House Rules for 4e          

Legendary quest                       
Attribute point buy d10 based individual skills level up individually      ***

Legend 2                                   
Another legend game d20 based lots of classes, skills and feats like 3e  ***

Legends of Anglerre               
Fate based fantasy game set in English comic book setting          ***
Legends of the ancient world   3d6 based packs a lot of stuff in 8 pages  ***

Life and Times of a Teenage Socerer  
Game targeted at kids I think. Schoolbook-looking font. Wall of text presentation                         **

Game Master guide only            

Lone Wolf                                
based on the pick-a-path adventure. Random number from to 1-10 generated from the box lid. Seems aimed at the younger crowd but I still love it. Joe Dever's prose is clean and clear.                       ***

Sci-Fi story game            **

Longsword and Shield           
variable dice short 6 pages but concise          ***

Lords of Gossamer and Shadow                                     
Diceless role-playing in the tradition of Amber. Lots of possibilities but will need god GM to make it work. ***

Lost City of the Dwarves       
Two pick-a-path solo adventures and modifications to play them with more than one person           **

Lost Empires                           
Swords and wizardry variant spells cost variable manna points to cast. ***

Lost Roads of Lociam            
light rules free but missing some stuff. Lots of skills d100 based resolution.                               **

Lost Worlds                             
Flipbook maneuver series       **

Lowell was right                     
Alternate World game has a lot of rules for build your pcs home base   **


Attribute based game. Do it yourself magic rules left me flat        

Mage the Ascension               
White Wolfs world of Darkness Magic User book. I am still mad that I bought this instead of the Magic the Gathering Alpha deck.            **

Squad based Science fiction military game. Variable dice size resolution. Might have possibilities        ***

Magitech Wars                        
Board Game                      

Mass Effect                               
Table Top version of video game. Based off of Bulldogs FATE game       **

Universal Role-playing Point buy attributes d10 resolution system       **

Matter of Honor                     
Legend of Five Rings Card game          

Maze of Torment ??? 
In Polish(Translate says inspired by rouge and angband) Still working on translation                                

Mazes and Minotaurs            
Seems more of a joke than a serious game, but may be playable. Class based                                          

Mazes and Perils                     
Another OSR                   **

Mecha versus Kaiju                
Only have the design sheets. Game says it is FATE based  

Mechanical Dream                 
Lots of races lots of classes exiting art work, but I didn't find any rules. Turns out I have the campaign book rather than the rule book. Reviews indicate a variable dice pool system.                                      ?

Medical Bay Three                  
card based game of Sci-FI ER trauma. Not enough rules to run anything than the provided one shot adventure                          **

The fluffy adventure game. Uses additive d6s which I don't care for much,  but has some interesting tweaks which might make it playable     ***

More variants than you can shake a stick at. I like the author’s emphasis on keeping things rules light. I like microlite75 the best but have not read the 81 edition yet, Must compare and contrast with other OSR                          ***

Middle Earth Adventure Game                                       
Fan build game to emulate the out-of-print Iron Crown Middle Earth Role-playing. Rather short but packs a lot in with small font. Website has gone dark.                                          **

Middle Earth Roleplay           
A reduced rule set of Iron Crown's Rolemaster for playing in Middle Earth. I always liked it, although some purists complained it was too magic heavy. Pretty much FUBARed by licensing issues so I don't expect a reprint.      ***

Mini six                                     
Universal Role-playing using d6 additive system. Good artwork and well written but a non-starter for me.                                   **

Two pages!? Not much here     *

Another Universal system 3d6 resolution. Lots of traits for characters. I especially liked the traits for monsters list.                 ***

Modern Adventures               
Modern age pathfinder expansion       **

Modular Open Source adventure. Pretty much d20 but nicely written. ***

Moebis Adventures                
Universal System. Rules heavy and several inconsistent dice systems.  **

 Journey to the West based. High Fantasy Eastern uses playing cards for resolution. Kind of cool.        ****

Monster Box                            
A game of monster fighting. D6 based. Nice list of monster powers. Not bad for 10 pages.                      ***

Monsters and Magic               
Sarah Newton's OSR. Well written but not much different from the others.                                       ***

Monsters and Mazes              
Txt file super light RPG but covers all the bases (at least for dungeon crawling). From the era of newsgroups and ftp files.  ***

Murder Hobos                         
Six page OSR not real complicated, doesn't include much other than combat. Has an expansion which adds a little bit.      **

Mutant Chronicles                 
Techno Fantasy game. 2d20 roll under mechanic. Dark Symmetry points allow GM to interrupt. A little rules crunchy and not my genre     **

Mutant Scavengers of the Ruined Earth  
1 page and not my genre. Moving on       *

Open source Universal System. D20  based but lots of math and some charts.                                       **

My Life with Master               
A game of minions serving a dark master. D4!? Dice pool but 4s don't count. Award winner but too emo for my tastes.        **

Board Game with Cards             

Myth and Magic                      
2e focused game. Ok for that but not much else      **

Myth Weaver                           
d20 based game nothing new here     **

d6 dice pool plus cards. Lots of wheels and gizmos. Worth another look                                                   ***

Universal system. D100 for resolution. Point buy or Free form character creation. Dmless option        ****


Swords and Wizardry add-on for after life campaign          ***

NeoClassical Geek Revivial   
Point buy attributes. D20 based combat other things have other systems. Friendly writing style but a few too many rules.        **

Pathfinder Campaign      

Neon Sanctum 
Post-apocalyptic game uses 2d10 and custom card deck. O.K.       ***

New Kingdoms                        
Dyson Logos heart breaker. 2d6 based. Broken up into 10 booklets. Seems Playable                                    ***

Night of the Barrel                 
Drunken Story game uses rock-paper-scissors         *

Nights of the Crusades          
Crusaders meet Arabian night d10. High on prose fuzzy on game mechanics                                **

Card game                         

A game of god want-to-be Coffee table box is pretty epub version not so much. Resolution is by bidding action points. Have to find the coffee table version before rendering judgment                                  ?

Nordic LARP                            
A collection of essays on life action role-playing. Not really rules per se.                                                    

Northern Crown out of print                                           
New world role-playing. Only have the introduction                             

2d10 against a target number. 8 stats either rolled on 2d10 or point buy. Skills from list/ Not bad but not very different from many others.            ***


Post Apocalyptic racing game. 3d6 resolution includes style points        ***

Old Dragon                              
In Portuguese I am afraid.         

Old School Hack                     
My favorite, of course the developers site is shrouded in cobwebs *****

An ancient world where magic is keep hidden. d12 resolution lots of charts. Not feeling it              **

One Dice                                   
Universal system. Uses 1d5 for resolution. Probably lost me there.        **

Oni Puncher                            
Love the name but not much depth to it in its single page            *

Open Quest                              
d100 game open license comes in free and deluxe. I like Legend better. **

Orbis Terrum                          
Includes Gary Chalk illustrations. Ten races to choose from Stats generated from 3d20. d100 resolution                         ***

Order of the link                     
Modern world hopping role-play. Only have play test edition        

Orignal Edition Delta            
House rules for OD&D and mass combat       

The one that started it all(at least the last OSR go round). Still a pretty good system                             ****

Other Role Playing Games nook 
my dump space for a previous collection. Nothing to see here                                 

Micro game 11 pages uses d6 dice pool           *

Ouroboros engine                  
d2o based story game of setting stakes for success and failure. Rules a little unclear                            **


A game of demon hunting d12 dice pool art not for the faint of heart    **

Pandora London                     
Demon hunting in London d10 resolution   **

Pars Fortuna                           
Unique Races, sensible non-initiative combat order, worth another look                                                   ****

Arthurian emo role-playing d20 resolution. I have been fascinated with the system for a while but the campaign structure is far different than my normal hack and slash style Includes a bookkeeping round in the play.                   ***

d6 based resolution character creation: two things your good at, two weaknesses, a goal, and a code. Liked the character creation the rest is pretty skimpy. **

Another pocket mod game. Moving on          *

Perilous Worlds                      
OSRy but with some nice twists. Initiativeless combat. Old school Hack talent list for each class. Worth a shot.                         ***

Fantasy Wild West Steam punk d10 resolution. Attributes by class. Might play it                                        ***

Pirates and Privateers           
Board game I think         

Coin toss resolution. Ugh!        *

Planet Eris                               
House Rules for the Sparn campaign  

Preserves that Old school confusing as heck writing style        **

Campaign Setting            

Pocket Things                          
One page parlor game     

Pokemon X                              
Pokemon role-playing d20 resolution. Not licensed. Limited number of pokemon in core rules.          **

Storytelling game. No dice at all. Interesting art. Every player has a different role in advancing the plot. No characters as such. I am tempted by it but not sure it counts as role-playing.                             ***

Prince Valiant                         
Like Pendragon only different penny pitching resolution *

Prose Descriptive Qualities  
core rules for several games (see Jaws of the Seven Serpents). Dice pool . Generic version a bit lacking.                                          **

Prowlers and Paragons          
Dice pool superhero game        **

Pulp Karma                              
d6 based resolution modern. Only Black and white text   **

A story game of puppets. No dice boo!            **


d20 Sci Fi game pre release version    **

7th century China Roleplaying. Point buy attributes. 2d10 resolution but subtract low die from the high die. Has some possibilities   ***

In German                        

Questers into the unknown 
A Dungeon World mod very short.     *

Questers of the Middle Realms                                       
PDQ fantasy game not as serious as Jaws of the Seven Serpents.                       ***
Raiders of the Ruins of Kanthe                                       
Solo RPG. Procedural dungeon generation via d6 dice drop. Resolution via d10 dice pool and counting matching dice. May give it a shot.           ***

House Rules                     

Pretty standard OSR rules. Large weapons list. Nice collection of DM tips at the end                                 ***
Reality Changing Game         
Coin flip resolution.  Wall of text. Off my list.          *

Realms of Adventure              
d100 resolution. Lots of races. Lots of charts and tables for combat resolution. Not the best.       **

Realms of Bethica                   
d100 resolution. Lots of charts and tables for combat resolution. Not the best. Same rating as the game above.                            **

Realms of Lore                        
Tri-fold Micro game       **

Recon 6                                     
d6  dice pool post apocalypse micro game.     **

Redbox Fantasy                       
D&D basic clone              ***

Redbox Hack                            
Like Old school hack but even less complete            ***

Refuge in Audacity                 
Not entirely serious. Not recommended for play but a hoot to read. Liked the d100 random character classes.                               ***

d10 dice pool looking for matches. Lots of skills interesting layout        ***

OSRish Has nice table for noncombat experience.  ***

d6 based game                 **

Retro Phaze                             
8 bit Fantasy roleplay 2d6 resolution. Nice and compact. Pretty good.                                                   ****

1970s Sci Fi television roleplaying. 2d6 resolution extra star for Disco! ***

Pathfinder Campaign Setting    

Seemed better when I didn’t understand the rules **

Multiple d6 additive. Liked the clichĂ©s for special moves. Only 6 pages  **

Royal Armies of the Hyborean Age                                
Miniature Campaign Rules            

Robot menace                         
Players split into two teams. Uses physical motion instead of dice.         *

3d6 based sample only 8 pages. Pretty basic **

Iron Crowns old standard too complex and fiddly for my tastes. **
An old heartthrob abandoned due to slow play and excessive randomness. However, Glorantha remains one of my favorite worlds      **

A rebuild of the Runequest replacement under development at Avalon Hill when Hasbro bought them out. Point buy character build. 2d10 roll under your attribute systems of historical interest but there are better systems available now    **

Pastoral Role Playing game. Combat is deemphasized in favor of helping people. I enjoy reading it but have not tried to play it yet     ****


I like the skills instead of stats and classes. However the rules are wordy and a bit complex with multiple damage pools            **

Saga of the Splintered Realms 
Attributes 3D6 keep 2. d20 resolution. Unified level table (yay!). 30 talents to give you something to do. OSR but well done     ****

Universal RPG pure d6. eh?     **

Savage Swords of Antor         
Mostly a campaign setting for swords and wizardry             

Savage Worlds                         
one of the first variable dice systems. Never quite got into it other than Low Life. Stunts vary from campaign, so quality may vary.  ***

Scarlet Heros                           
South Seas role playing. Rules fairly conventional OSR. However, while combat is d20, skill checks are 2d8. Setting is very interesting       ***

Searchers of the Unknown   
Ultralite role-playing. One page of rules, however a large collection of variants is available. Extra star for audacity.                 

Second Dawn                           

Secret Fire                                
Game mechanic reasonably solid but overemphasis on alignment. Only four classes.                             **

d6 set in far future point buy character creation. S0me interesting stuff.                                                   ***

Seven Voyages                         
Close to the little brown books seven supplements so lots of stuff          ***

Shadow of Yesterday              
Story game FUDGE dice for resolution. Might be OK seems a bit fiddly.                                                   **

dice pool resolution. If I was into cyberpunk I might give it a shot         ***

Long and rules lawyerly. Has a bit of an EPT feel    **

Shinobi and Samuri               
OSR conversion for eastern roleplaying nine classes. Good selection of eastern weapons                     ***

Siege Perilous                          
Chogowiz’s attempt to create an Ultima I-IV clone with d20.Looks playable, but he’s only got four classes instead Ultima’s eight and I would have done it with alphabet letter spells                              **

Simple DnD                             
d20 OSR streamlined by getting rid of skills and feats.      ***

d6 based game. A little too simple      **

Simple Sixes                             
2d6 system. Not too much different than others     **

tri-stated moves, spells, feats, skills have combined into abilities. Worth a shot and free                            ***

Six Fist fuls                              
One page game using d6s          *

d6 dice I only have the quickstart rules. Advertises several campaign settings in the back.                

FATE-based dark fantasy           **

Slight mistake                         
d100 Sci Fi set in a dyson sphere. Not my thing      **

Small but Vicious Dog           
Warhammer Fantasy clone. Zwiehander is more comprehensive but this one has its own charms         ***

So now youre a time traveller  
2 page RPG of you guessed it time travel           *

Something went wrong         
d6 only four classes system is a bit meh except for the Gming GM rotates from character to character as the encounters progress. Could be a hoot with the right players         ***

Modern Sorcery game every player gets a bound demon to start. I need to study this one a bit more to understand the mechanics. Doesn't seem like it will end well.     

Sorcery and Super Science 
Post-apocalyptic variable dice resolution system but complicated. Stats are  a single d6 role.                       **

Space fight                                
Space Ship battle game   

Spawn of Fashan                     
Often compared to "World of Synnibarr" as worst RPG. Complex and poorly organized, but hey no laser beam eyed grizzlies with machine guns.        *

Spears of the dawn                 
Afro-centric OSR well done      ***

Spellcraft and Sorcery            
rules here are Spellcraft and sorcery   

3d6 abilities. 2d6 combat resolution. Basic book only goes to level 3     **

Mathematically intensive not much beyond combat          *

Spooky Four Things               
Story game Horror setting. Of little interest to me *

Stars without number 
Sci-Fi OSR 3d6 attributes. Nice list of Sci-Fi skills. Some Psychic skills (Space Magic not included in the free edition). Nice list of backgrounds. Every Character gets a focus as well. Focus read a bit like feats, perhaps a little much for a simple game. lots of Psychic powers to play with. 2d6 for skills 1d20 for combat. Solid  ****

Starship from hell                  
Wrecked spaceship as dungeon crawl. Lots interesting roll up tables. No character rules though.          

Steel and Flame 
6-page micro rpg. Nothing very eye-catching *

Sticks and Stones                    
The free RPG not the savage worlds campaign setting.  Complex point buy character creation. Variable die combat resolution. Learning by doing experience interesting but a lot of book keeping.                      **

Dice pool story game. Bare bones and 10 pages        *

Strange magic                          
 Very short OSR. Nice cover     **

Strange Trails                          
Weird Adventure ideas   

Strike Force                             
Future RPG d100 based. Distracting formatting borders too close to the text makes it hard to read. Done in wall of text format as well        **

Strip DnD                                 
Cute name. Actually a micro 1 page version. Includes a 1 expansion in case you want a wizard in your game.                                    **

Super Repo                               
NPCs get to be Super Heroes. You are repo men. Card resolution 4 pages. Extra star for unique concept but I'm not Gming it.  **

Swift Swords Underworld     
Card game                         

Sword and Board                    
Basic Fantasy supplement         

Swords and Magic                   
See Hungarian RPG        

Sword and Shield                    
Pocket mod rule set       *

Sword Lords                            
Board game with some RPG and Miniature aspects            

Sword of Abandon                  
Empire of the Petal Throne clone. Emulates lots improves little **

Swords and Sorcery 
Fantasy supplement for Star Wars Saga Edition       

Swords and Storytellers        
Card based RPG requires a deck of Storyteller cards.          

Swords and Wizardry             
One of the OSR biggies. strong support from frog god games. Close match to AD&D                                   ***

the System                               
Universal RPG lots of rules lots of calculations       **


Tales of the Grotesque and Dungeonsque  
Labyrinth Lord campaign setting             

Tarnhlems Terrible Tome
House Rules for 0e and Swords and Wizardry          

Team Renegade                       
Live action meta game, kinda like DMs rewards in Adventuters League                                                    
Warhammer Fantasy Eastern Suplement      
Theorems and Thaumaturgy                                          
Labyrinth Lord suplement             

ThowiGames Simple Roleplaying System 
d6 based. for a simple system it sure has a lot of charts and tables
FATE eastern suplement           

Lots of interesting information about Tibet. Apparently too much information as it is blocked by browser security (I blame the Chinese Government). My version only has rules for monks. d20 based resolution                  **

Point buy attributes. D20 resolution. Damage calculated not rolled. What the author finds of great importance and distinction for system I don't find the same. **

Universal Roleplaying system dice pool mechanic  **

Torch and Sword                    
0e rewrite with ascending amour class. Functional but nothing special                                                   ***

Burning Wheels attempt at OSR. Don't care for Burning Wheel.            **

Totems of the Dead                
Savage Worlds Campaign setting         

Tranchons et Traquons         
In French                          

Traveller Adventurer            
Adaptation of Traveler to Fantasy games. Same flaws as the original     **

Claims to be a board game, card game, desktop game and  tabletop roleplaying game. Lots of world building rules. Might be good for world design. Complex for table top play.                                           ***

Treasure Awaits                      
Introductory Roleplaying game 2d6 resolution stats determined by class. A bit too introductory for me                                          **

Troll Babe                                
d10 system. Mechanics very storytelling based        **

 d6 based. Zombie edition not real exciting   **

d20 system spin-off        **

Table top version of Xbox game. Only three classes but lots of feats for customization. Spell card manna system a bit different from normal OSR  ***


Unchained Heros                    
Many interesting ideas. Point buy (or by class) attributes d20 resolution with some dice pool. The real time action chart looks fiddly and has many of the balance problems found with action tick methods (you always must be fast in Champions because if you are slow the fight is over before you act). Provisional rating but more study is required         ***

Point buy attributes Only three attributes plus psionics.  2d6 resolution. Fond of the mass combat and weird science rules      ***

Underworld Kingdom            
House rules or Suplement for unspecified game.     

Story based world building game        **

Until Dawn                              
4 page story game           *

Card Based RPG don't have bespoke card deck so evaluation is not possible                                      

FATE-based Story game            **

Micro game variable dice resolution  *


Vikings and Valkyries            
Mazes and Minotaurs Supplement        

Village on the Hill 
Nonviolent story game of helpful spirits. D6 resolution. I would have liked a longer list of example encounters. Extra star for uniqueness.        ***

Near future Sci Fi. Says its part of the Cthuthullu saga. However it appears to cover enough rules to run stand alone. Point buy attributes. D6 dice pool resolution. Only four classes but hundreds of options.                                     **


War of Ashes                           
Miniatures Rules             

Southern California DnD inspired game. High level of complexity lots of charts and tables. Mostly of historic interest.              **

Warrior Rogue Mage             
Free light game. No classes Warrior Rogue and Mage are your attributes. D6 resolution system. Extra star for being clearly written.  ***

Warriors and Wizards           
OGL GURPS style light game. Not for me.    **

Watch the World Die             
Apocalypse generation world building (destroying?) game.          **

Point buy for Attributes. No classes just disciplines and point buy. One of the better point buy systems. D20 resolution.            ***

Wayfarers song                       
d10 dice pool. Characters built from 45 ability points         **

Based on the Wuxia action comic of the same name. Mystical Kung Fu. Dice pool but includes a "river" of two pre-rolled dice. Some tricky dice adding mechanics mean even impossible tasks are sometimes accomplished. System seems well suited to the genre its emulating. Point buy abilities although some archetypes are given for guidance.       ****

Welcome Minions                  
12 page card based story game.            *

Steampunk Western game. Additive dice pool. Boo!           **

Whats Old is New                   
Universal System but different settings are in separate books. EN world  uber project. Mostly pretty good although I am unhappy with the dice pool mechanics at its core.    ***

White Star                                
Swords and Wizardry Sci Fi conversion. Includes Robot and Star Knight (*cough*Jedi) classes as well as rules for spaceships. Pretty good.  ***

John Wick's (the other John Wick) game of sentient magic items. 2d6 resolution. A lot of story game. A little weird but innovative.         ***

Wild Talents                            
Superhero Roleplay. Complex dice pool resolution **

Pick a path Adventure. 2d6 resolution           **

Short 22 page RPG. Only two classes ability roll under resolution          **

Steam Pulp roleplay. D10 dice rolls    **

Fantasy armies board game      

World of Darkness                 
Core rules for that creepy vampire game. Most of the players I knew preferred the LARP version over the d6 dice pool version here.      **

World of Fire and Sand         
Dark sun converted to a story game with cards. WTF?      *

World of Urtusk (under revision) 
Still waiting for the Author to finish this one. Draft version has a lot of great ideas.                            ***

World of Warcraft                  
Very 3e with MMO spells added in. A bit thick.       ***

Worlds Apart                           
2d6 each for eight attributes. 2d6 resolution as well. Random roll character generation including the chance to die while rolling up your character. Wasn't any good in Traveler, still isn't.                 **

1d4 or d6 to generate 11 attributes. Resolution via d6 dice pool trying to get 1s. I like many Forever people things but this is not one of them.       **


OSR house rules              

Viking Roll playing. D10 dice pool but only two highest are kept and added together with any bonuses. 9 attributes purchased with point buy. Interesting rules for rune and trance magic.                           ***


Attempt to create a generic fantasy version of Zeb Cooks Conan RPG.  No attributes. No classes. Point buy of starting talents. Chart based resolution via d100. Like the character build system. Resolution chart is fiddley.   **

A game set in the ancient kingdoms of the near east. Five attributes two determined by 1d6 one determined by 2d6 and two set to 1. Skills via past profession. Resolution via 2d6. Not bad but not great either.                                  **

Character creation via template and point buy. Variable dice size resolution. Includes both powers and shtick. Overly complex for what its trying to do.            **

Re creation of WFRP. D100 resolution. Seven attributes generated by rolling 3d10 to yield a starting percentage. Skills by profession. Starting professions rolled from broad classes. I am a bit annoyed that after paying full price for this on the kickstarter they kept putting it on sale a drivethrurpg. However, it does a nice job of what it set out to accomplish.           ***

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