Sunday, April 1, 2018

A generic outline for roleplaying game rules

I am trying to get beneath the roleplaying games I have to the underlying bones of the core the so-called "ur-game". The hope is to generate a framework for which to compare games against and highlight their unique features. Outline below

A. Character creation:
  1. Attributes
  2. Races
  3. Background
  4. Classes and/or Skills
  5. Feats and/or Moves
B. Basic Conflict Resolution

  1. Ability checks and saving throws
  2. Initiative and who acts when
  3. Movement
  4. Actions
  5. Attacks
  6. Damage
C. Items

  1. Equipment
  2. Spells
  3. Magic Items
  4. Treasure
D. Monsters

  1. Beasts
  2. Races
  3. NPCs

E. Adventures

  1. Underground
  2. Urban
  3. Wilderness
Comparing this outline to the contents of the fifth edition Dungeon and Dragons: Elements A and B are in the player's guide; Element C is split between the player's guide and the dungeon masters guide. Element D gets its own book, although pieces are in both in player's guide and the dungeon master's guide. Element E is in the dungeon master's guide.

Comparing this outline to the little brown books of original Dungeons and Dragons: Elements A and B are in Men and Magic; Element C is split between the Men and Magic and Monsters and Treasure; Element D is in Monsters and Treasure, and element E is in the Underworld and Wilderness Adventures.

Orginal Runequest stuffs everything in one book although the sections on D and E are rather short.

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