Monday, April 29, 2024

Review of The Lost Dungeons of Tonisborg

 This dungeon is a reproduction of Greg Svenson’s dungeon. Greg was one of the early players in Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor campaign and is immortalized in the First Fantasy Campaign as the Great Svenny. According to Greg, it was produced in the summer of 1973 using the draft Dungeons and Dragons rules. As such it is one of the first dungeons ever produced predating the publication of the original Dungeon and Dragons rules. When this book showed up first as an add-on to the Secrets of Blackmoor I gave it a pass (I routinely avoid printed things in Kickstarter as a .pdf is much more likely to show up and does not take up shelf space). However, after it had been delivered as an actual book to Kickstarter supporters, and a second printing was offered on the publisher's website my fear of missing out kicked in and ponied up the $100 for a hardback copy.

Overall this book is well printed with a nice cloth binding and a ribbon bookmark. I enjoyed most of the book. I have not subjected the dungeon to the “2000 copper piece test” i.e. do the starting levels of the dungeon contain enough experience to allow the characters to advance in power sufficiently to tackle the deeper levels below. I am happy I purchased this (although I didn’t like the months of nail-biting while waiting for them to finish the reprint). Now it has gone to yet another printing I’d probably buy the more reasonably priced softcover version. I will say that it is more interesting to me as a piece of history than something I would try and run my players through.

A section-by-section review follows below. I don’t think anything below constitutes a spoiler of the actual content.

The book starts with a disclaimer about this being old stuff and feeling free to modify it as you see fit

Part 1 An explanation of the origins of the original manuscript, how it was lost, and how recently a copy resurfaced. A reproduction of the original manuscript as is. This is something I already had as it was briefly available on the web prior to the decision to republish it.

Part 2 is a long discussion on how the game was played back in the day. It is quite intriguing to review this part and contemplate how the game has shifted during my long years of playing

Part 3 is a redrawing of the original map with a rekeying of the map to modern role-playing standards. Good because one no longer has to squint and try to read the squiggling in thick felt tip. Not so good in that giving stat for each individual monster in the encounter takes much more space than writing four clerics, three skeletons, etc. Most rooms have been given a name and a brief description of how they fit in the dungeon.

Part 4 Game rules for Champions of Zero Edition Dungeoneering (ZED). Unfortunately, this feels like a bit of padding since the Champions of ZED is already available elsewhere (I have a copy in my .pdf collection). A ruleset more closely constructed towards the pre-Gygaxian Arsonian game would been of more interest. Although construction of such a game at this point in history is a task of Herculean proportions. Champions of ZED is not a bad choice, since it is an actual original edition retro-clone, as opposed to most retro-clones which are based on Advanced Dungeons and Dragons or even Basic Dungeons and Dragons.

Part 5  Tresure rules for ZED

Part 6 Monsters for ZED

Part 7 Spells for ZED

Part 8 Appendices

Appendix A is a table for rolling random encounters and restocking the dungeon. Based on Creature Type rather than specific monsters. Appendix B is a list of further reading, not very long. I have three of them, I‘ll need to hunt the other two down.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Your Verbobonc May Vary

 Ran accross a map of Verbobonc on my facebook feed from this guy who is working on this map in world anvil

Reading further he has based his map on this discussion on the dragonfoot forum. Athough the post is from 2003 the links can be revived through the Wayback machine. Here is the map

and here is a link to the gazetteer.

Unfortunately pursual of the Dragonfoot discussion leads to an even older map from the Fate of Itus module. A recreation of the map is shown below:

Although this map may have precedence it's got one big problem. No big river! It's hard to be one of the biggest river ports on the Velverdyva River when all you've got is a dinky creek. This next map tries to rectify this like so:

However I still like the first map better. Jason Zavoda's Hall of the Mountain King blog has a nice series of posts on how to combine Verbobonc with the Night Below Box set and the Temple of Elemental Evil. However, he is using this map:

I understand his choice better when I look at the 3-D model he is using:

This however looks suspiciously like Conwy Castle in Wales. 

Finally, there is this map from the Cannon Fire Atlas:

Which map should you use? Well, that is entirely up to you. I do find it ironic that the one from the most "official" source an actual TSR publication is my least favorite. Greyhawk online has a nice listing of all mentions of Verbobonc in DnD products here in case you wish to attempt preparing your own map.


Friday, March 29, 2024

Marmoreal Tomb Review

 In my previous post, I indicated my unhappiness with the Marmoreal Tomb versus what I thought I was getting. Certainly, the long winding road traveled by this Kickstarter has biased my viewpoint (Funded in September 2015, promised for 2016, Troll Lords takes over and cracks the whip 2019, last .pdf received by me January 2023). I will attempt to put my biases aside and review the delivered products on their merits. Benoist's maps are gorgeous and have been available for a long time. I have five main products: the Tomb itself, the Wilderness Expansion, the Underworld Expansion, the Players Guide, and the Prismatic Maze. So far the best ones are the Underworld Expansion and the Prismatic Maze. Please note most of my detailed review is in the spoilers below (I have a hard time reviewing things without talking about them). At $150 for the boxed set, it is a bit pricey but there is a lot of stuff within. Unfortunately, the Prismatic Maze does not appear to be included in the box set.


Art ****

Writing ***

Creativity ****

Overall ***1/2

****** Spoilers below******

Tomb Main Module


Mostly explaining how the game was played back in the day. I'll ignore the references to forthcoming products as they are unlikely to appear soon other than the Underworld and Wilderness which are already published. 


History of the region, suggestions for starting character background, rumors and other helpful stuff


Description of the Wilderness surrounding the dungeon. Not really a concept I am enamored with since parties can be easily be distracted by the wilderness and never make it to the dungeon at all. The network of goblin tunnels is intriguing. The frequent tremors in the pass can open some interesting side adventures.


I feel this chapter is redundant with the prior one. Smart parties will just walk straight up to the entrance to the first level and not mess with any of these encounters.


the dungeon finally. Pretty standard monster selection. some interesting coordination between rooms. a dwarven ally hidden out.


undead and stone giants interesting combinations. I like the rhinoceros stone giant chariot


Urns and Sarcophagi are guarded by vengeful spirits and Cyclops Priests

Marmoreal Tomb Wilderness



Overview of the Geography, history and religion of the lower midlands


People and groups of the lower midlands. I like that most of the profiles include some adventure suggestions.


A town to use as a homebase for adventuring. Of course there is a tunnel network underneath


A tavern to use as a homebase for those who don’t like towns. The cellar has a passage to the underworld


Several different approaches to wilderness encounters. Includes the random castle system for outdoor survival.




Marmoreal Tomb Underworld



Addition to core burial vaults level. More rooms become available off the core map as tremors clear passages


A crazy high level adventure with a lake of fire and magic artfact forge. Even though it is an 82 room level the authors feel the need to include suggestions for making it bigger


Linked to the Hearth by a portal this adventure takes place in the far east with a Japanese vibe. Wilderness map so I’m not sure why its in this book


An extra-dimensional nexus with gates to numerous other planes.


Seeming a large beehive in the Mellifluous Shrine expands to world size when entered by one of the planar gates in the Shrine


New monsters


Additional planes using the outdoor map


List and Handouts. Includes a dungeon cross-section


Timeline of the setting. Location of major artifacts in the modules.

Marmoreal Tomb Players Guide


Background and history for the region


How to roll up a character. Little specific to the settling so perhaps redundant with your core rules              


House rules for this campaign including gnomes, extra stuff for your primary character, and cold iron as a special weapon.

Character Sheets and Maps

Prismatic Maze


this module and the main setting


Large quantities of NPCs with long backstories


A bunch of different options on how to connect this dungeon to the core campaign


Explanation of how the dungeon works. Having both three rotating middle sections and shifting effects dependant on region color explanation is required.


Encounters include the NPC adventuring party, A hidden gem and boss monster for each color, a maintenance drew capable of melding with the walls, and a surprising number of sea creatures for dry level with only fountains. Mummies, and a lich also. Numerous unlocks are available by manipulating the rotating sections, color gems, and beams of light. Many creatures reform so have to be defeated more than once.



More great ideas than you can shake a stick at. My favorite level is the Hearth of Chaos. My Second favorite is the Prismatic Maze. Years of adventuring material. The clean black and white text layout is highly readable. Pen and ink drawings definitely harken back to the Erol Otis days. Hand-colored maps are gorgeous. Motivations are given for most encounters enabling roleplaying beyond hack and slash. I like that most of the profiles in FIGURES AND FACTIONS include some adventure suggestions. Players Guide is a great idea to introduce the players to the setting.


Verbose, many entries suffer from wall-of-text syndrome. Introductions tout many products that will never be.


The long journey from CROM CAEMLOCH to the tomb is rough on low-level characters. The many encounters outside the tomb also threaten low-level parties. I didn’t like having TWO chapters on encounters outside the tomb. When I run this I’ll probably delete the outdoor environs encounters (or move them to Viper Pass) and use the caves as an additional level for the tomb itself. Not sure why there are two bases a town and a tavern in the wilderness guide but at least I can place the tavern close to Viper Pass and cut out the three days and two nights of wilderness encounters

Friday, March 22, 2024

Hobby Shop Dungeon

 I have rooting around on the web for old-school dungeons and ran across a photo of the sixth level of the Hobby Shop Dungeon. My first reaction was "wait a minute" don't I have this. The Marmoreal Tomb Kickstarter was supposed to have something to do with this dungeon. Unfortunately, a closer review of items from the Marmoreal Tomb Kickstarter reveals a different dungeon in the "spirit" of the Hobby Shop Dungeon, so not the same. I unleashed my google-fu on the Hobby Shop Dungeon to try and find other levels. The first level is relatively easy to find. The original notebook containing the whole thing was sold at auction some years ago. Several secondary sites show a picture of the first level from the auction site. However, the auction site itself has gone "zombie" and my antivirus software recommended I not pursue it further. Some work with Wayback Machine did manage to revive an earlier version of the auction site which actually contains photos of the entire notebook (although some of the key is shown only as a fan of pages rendering much of the writing on the back pages in the fan unreadable). I have not yet deciphered the key from blurry photos of water-damaged handwritten text. The maps on the other hand are fairly legible. As a side note, although Ernie Gygax ran this Dungeon for most of its existence, the maps are attributed to Terry Kuntz. Here are some linked images:

Benoist Poire is attempting to redraw these from the originals (surface level here, first level here), but if he proceeds at the same speed as he did on the Marmoreal Tomb it may be a while.

Monday, December 4, 2023

2023 Kickstarters

 2023 status of projects I backed. I have of course signed up for way too many once again, Most of them come through although usually six months behind schedule.

Not Due yet

EXORDIUM: Origins of Mythos Estimated delivery Feb 2024

The Hoard of Ghaundal - 5e Miniatures & Adventures Estimated delivery May 2024

Reaper Miniatures - Dungeon Dwellers Roleplaying Game Estimated delivery Jul 2024

How to Make a Fantasy Sandbox Estimated delivery Jan 2024

Pocket Chronicles: Visual World-Building Tools and Notebooks Estimated delivery Mar 2024

OUTSIDERS: an expansion for NOTORIOUSEstimated delivery Dec 2023

Legendary Undead: A 5th Edition Supplement Estimated delivery Oct 2024

HellWatch: Infernal Oath - An Epic 5e Campaign & Setting Estimated delivery Dec 2023

Ryoko's Guide to the Yokai Realms - A 5e Tome$ Estimated delivery Apr 2024

Campaign Builder: Castles & Crowns for 5th Edition D&D TOV Estimated delivery Jul 2024

Mystic Days: Caldwell Edition Estimated delivery Sep 2024

Wanderer's Guide to Enchanted Emporiums (5E) Estimated delivery Dec 2023

Shadow Over Vansreik: A Grim Setting and Adventure for 5E+ Estimated delivery Feb 2024

Curse of the Usurper- RPG 5e Estimated delivery Apr 2025

Moria™ – Through the Doors of Durin for The One Ring™ RPGS Estimated delivery May 2024

Wilderfeast Estimated delivery Sep 2024

Dolmenwood Tabletop RPG Estimated delivery Mar 2024

Historica Arcanum: Era of the Crusades (5E+) Estimated delivery Aug 2024

Tome of Horrors: Enemies of the Valiant Estimated delivery May 2024

Obojima Tales From The Tall Grass: A 5E Campaign Setting Estimated delivery Sep 2024

Castle of the Mad Archmage™ 10th Anniversary Edition Estimated delivery Mar 2024

Aether Nexus: Fantasy Mecha TTRPG Estimated delivery May 2024

Koboa: The South American 5e, PF2 and CFR Setting Estimated delivery Oct 2024

Tales of the Valiant RPG: Launching Black Flag Roleplaying Estimated delivery Apr 2024

MARROWBREAK TTRPG Estimated delivery Feb 2024

Iron Kingdoms: Into the Deep Wild (5e) Estimated delivery Jan 2024

Blood and Doom Estimated delivery Dec 2023

Guild Chronicles Storytelling System: Core Rules Estimated delivery Jan 2024

The Lazy DM's Forge of Foes for 5e Estimated delivery Mar 2024

Cool Name RPG: A Community Owned Fantasy Roleplaying System Estimated delivery Aug 2024

Dungeon Denizens Estimated delivery Jul 2024

A bit Late

The End of Everything: Epic 5e Adventure to Save the World Estimated delivery Nov 202

Light Fantasy RPG Estimated delivery Oct 2023

Adventurer Conqueror King System Imperial Imprint (ACKS II) Estimated delivery Nov 2024

Soulmist : Unspoken Tales Estimated delivery Sep 2023

The Wildsea: Storm & Root Estimated delivery Aug 2023

BREAK!! - A TRPG inspired by fantasy videogames and anime Estimated delivery Jun 2023

Astromythos: Lair of the Spider Lord Estimated delivery Oct 2023

Tide World of Mani Estimated delivery Aug 2023


Heroes Of Mythic Americas Estimated delivery Nov 2023

Secrets of the Golden Throne Estimated delivery Nov 2023

The Gloaming Wild - 5e Survival-horror Estimated delivery May 2023

Riftborne: Champions of the Multiverse - a 5e Supplement Estimated delivery Jul 2023

Beacon TTRPG Estimated delivery Sep 2023

Tomb - A Dungeon Crawl For 5e Estimated delivery Aug 2023

Steinhardt's Guide to the Eldritch Hunt: A 5e Supplement Estimated delivery Mar 2023 missing bonus

Campaign Builder: Cities & Towns for 5th Edition Estimated delivery Mar 2023

Nejavina - Slavic 5E Setting and 3D Printable Miniatures Estimated delivery Apr 2023

Astro Inferno Estimated delivery Mar 2023

Zin Never Dies: The Roleplaying Game Estimated delivery Mar 2023 close

Skyraiders of Abarax: A 5E world from Tracy & Laura Hickman Estimated delivery Nov 2022 Close

Uncharted Lands: Book & STL Collection Estimated delivery Sep 2022 stalled

The Many Crypts of Lady Ingrade (Zine Quest) Oct 2021 1 of 4

Darkest Dungeon: The Board Game Nov 2021 Limbo

Where My Peeps At? October 2021

Glorantha: The Gods War (Reprint & NEW Expansions) Nov 2021

Unfamiliar Apr 2021

Headed for the wall of shame

The Titans Trail: A Mech vs Kaiju 5e Expansion Module Jan 2021

Reach of Titan Dec 2019

Metal Gods of Ur-Hadad Zine Returns! Oct 2019

Rise of the Demigods Mar 2019


Salt in the Wounds (I had originally marked this one done based on receipt of the campaign setting, but on reviewing my pledge I realized I had been promised a good deal more).


The ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery) Roleplaying Game

Never ending Story

Ryuutama (basically done but pledge contains permanent electronic updates)

Pieces missing

Rhune (one adventure short)

Please come home, I still love you baby (way past due, I still want the item).

Throne of night

Completed since last update

LOOM: Portent of the Vale

The Curse of Corpsewood Forest: A DnD 5e Adventure Estimated delivery May 2023 done?

Folio #30 The Great Maze Adventure! Estimated delivery Jul 2023

The Fate of Chentoufi: Adventure in Luke Gygax's Okkorim$ Estimated delivery Sep 2023

L'Arsene's Ledger of Treasures and Trinkets - A DnD 5e Tome Estimated delivery Jul 2023

Ecology of Monsters for Gamemasters and Worldbuilders (5e)

Fehu Games OSR Short Halloween Quest for Swords and Wizardry

To Save A Kingdom—An Adventure Path for 5E & Level Up: A5E

Acquisitions Incorporated: The Series 2

Greywind's Guide To Tharador (5e)

Monster Souls 5E

Session Zero

The Inn at the Edge of the World

Legend of Keepers 5E Reverse Dungeon and STL Miniatures

Fantasy Crown: an OSR inspired RPGA

Encyclopedia 2: Lore Book & Toolbox for your 5E Campaign

TLD RPG Estimated delivery

Deep Magic 2: Spellcaster's Emporium for 5th Edition Games

Realms Of Elghrune Box Set

Villainous Champions of the Shadow Keep

Heart of St. Bathus, A 5e Underworld Adventure

Ultimate Guide to Foraging, Harvesting & Natural Discovery

Beyond Corny Groń: Adventurer's Guide

Dr Dhrolin's Dictionary of Dinosaurs

Heretic's Guide to Devotion & Divinity (5E)

Torrents of the Spellhoarder

Masters, Minions and Tactics: a 5th Edition Supplement

Maera: A 5E Compatible Fantasy RPG Campaign Setting

Drakar och Demoner / Dragonbane

Wastes of Chaos: Enter the 5E Borderlands



When the Wolf Comes RPG

Folio #29 The Ogre Arena Gaming Adventure!

50 Years of Text Games: From Oregon Trail to A.I. Dungeon

Return to Dark Tower Fantasy Roleplaying Game

FAST Core Rulebook - Multi-Genre RPG System

"Flee, Mortals!" - The MCDM Monster Book for 5e

5th Edition Adventure: The Undying War

Cyran's Magnificent Walking Marketplace

Elements of Inspiration - Bring Your World To Life


Shards of Ascension 1-3 for 5e

REACH OF THE ROACH GOD - Part of A Thousand Thousand Islands (pdf only)

DungeonMorphs IV: More RPG Map Design Dice & Cards

Dice-Free Dungeons: Quickstart Guide

Forbidden Lands RPG – Book of Beasts and The Bloodmarch

DCC Dying Earth

Realms of Peril

Heckna! Carnival Horror Campaign Setting for 5e DnD


Beasts of the Dissonance –5e

Land of the Rising Sun

5e RPG - Tomb of the Colossus Gods

The Lazy DM's Companion

Soulmist : A Journey from Darkness to Light (5e)

Twilight Fables

Ascoleth: The Last Great City

Book of Ebon Tides: 5th Edition enters the Plane of Shadow!

Westlands, a 2D6 System RPG Core Book

Colostle - The Roomlands


Downtime in Zyan

Dungeon Local 001

Tim Kask's Curse of the Weaver Queen | Expanded Box Set

Mimics, An Unnecessary Work, for Use With Fantasy RPGs

Limitless Monsters vol.2 (5e)

Mimic Tamers

Folio #28 The Howling Dungeon Gaming Adventure!

Planebreaker—Explore the Planes for 5e

GURPS Girl Genius Roleplaying Game

Planegea: The Prehistoric 5th Edition Campaign

The Practical Guide to Becoming a Great GM

Cha'alt: Chartreuse Shadows

Creatures: Complete Monster Compendium 2 for 5E

Tome of Beasts 3: Full Throttle 5th Edition Monster Mayhem

The Heart of Chentoufi: Adventure in Luke Gygax's Okkorim

GOZR - An Adventure RPG in a Broken Future

Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition

Demiverse: A Campaign Setting for 5e & Those Who Wander

Fearsome Foes and Where to Fight Them

Historica Arcanum: The City of Crescent (5E)

Herbalist's Primer

Book of Lost Lore & Book of Lost Beasts

Spire's End: Hildegard

Dungeons of Drakkenheim

Heliana's Guide To Monster Hunting: A 5e

Ruins of Symbaroum for 5E

Barrowmaze: Dwarrowdeep (OSR and 5E)

Dead Man's Rust - a mega-adventure for Scarred Lands 5E

Pexia's Guide to Omeria Fifth Edition Campaign Sourcebook

Airship Campaigns

Trudvang: Seed of Vanirs

The Wildsea RPG

Blackstorm Realms: A 5th Edition Setting

The Folio: Retro Classics, Ice on the Water Trilogy


Greg Stolze's Reign, Second Edition (PDF)

Marmoreal Tomb (PDF)

Demon City: The Ultimate Horror RPG

Critical Core

Wanderer's Guide to Merchants & Magic (5E)

The Prophecy of Nine Omens Trilogy (5e)

Fantasy City Sites and Scenes III, for use with Fantasy RPGs

Rangers of the Midden Vale

Calidar "Alfdaín Ascendant"

SIN: A Spire RPG Sourcebook

Folio #27 Lair of the Serpents Gaming Adventure!

Nightfell: Horror Fantasy Setting for 5e

Vault of Magic for 5th Edition

Monsters of the Wilderness for 5th Edition

Saving Cha'alt


THE ONE RING™ Roleplaying Game, Second Edition

Desert Moon of Karth

Where the Wheat Grows Tall

Through Ultan's Door

Dangerous Destinations Hardcover or PDF for any Fantasy RPG!

Kibbles' Compendium of Craft and Creation

Those Who Wander


Caelum: A Shattered Sky

The Fox's Wedding: a Compendium of Japanese Folklore Jun 2021

Southlands 5th Edition: A Realm of High Adventure Aug 2021

Folio #26 The Virgin Mine Gaming Adventure!

Into the Unknown: A Solo Campaign for 5e, B/X, and S&W!


Worlds Without Number

Aaralyn's Stolen Notes to Velea (Reprint) - 5e Setting

The Scarlet Citadel: A 5th Edition Dungeon of Secrets

Creatures: Complete Monster Compendium for 5E

Legends of Omeria Starter Set Jan 2021

Book of Monstrous Might for 5E Dungeons & Dragons DnD RPG Jan 2021

Exalted Vales: Region and Campaign Guide for D&D 5th edition

Castles & Crusades Castle Keepers Guide

Tales of Arcana 5E (5th Edition) Race Guide

Hearts of Wulin Sep 2020

The Fall of Mith: Aeteum Sep 2020

Cat's Cradle: A Fantasy Town for 5e and Other RPG Systems

Trudvang Adventures - for 5E

Rise of the Ice Dragons Trilogy: Three RPG Adventures for 5e

Shadows of Esteren RPG: Dark Romanticism

The Greatest Thieves in Lankhmar: A DCC Boxed Set

Ptolus: Monte Cook's City by the Spire

EMBERWIND: a new breed of tabletop RPG

World of Aetaltis - RPG Campaign Setting for 5E

Vampire: the Masquerade - Blood Feud a Mega Board Game

Ruin Masters

Ian Miller’s Grim Tarock

Arcana of the Ancients, a 5E science-fantasy sourcebook

The Ultimate Guide to Alchemy, Crafting & Enchanting for 5E

Folk Magic of the Haven Isles

The Majestic Fantasy RPG

Lost Lands: Tehuatl

Full Roslof Keep PDF Collection


Tome of Beasts 2 for 5th Edition: 400 New Monsters

Terrain Essentials

The Complete Curse of Roslof Keep Campaign

Trudvang Chronicles: Muspelheim

Knights of the Shadow Realm

Curse of Roslof Keep Digital Bonus Content

The Folio #24 & #25 Double Edition Adventure Set

Retro RPGA Inspired 1E&5E Mini-Adventure Set

The Paladin Queen's Forest (for D&D 5E and Pathfinder)

DELVE: A Solo Game of Digging Too Deep

Monsters of the City for 5E RPG

Electric Bastionland RPG

The Hero's Journey 2e

Heart: The City Beneath RPG

Spire's End - Solo & Cooperative Card Game Adventure

Tome of Horrors 2020 for Fifth Edition by Necromancer Games

Dungeons & Delvers: Red Book

Fantastic Adventures: Ruins of the Grendleroot for 5e

Empire of the Ghouls: A 5th Edition Campaign vs. the Undead

The Koryo Hall of Adventures 5e Compatible Campaign Setting

World of Relivo

Rise of the Drow: Collector's Edition for D&D 5E or PFRPG

The World of the Lost Lands

The Grande Temple of Jing V1 - For 5th Edition (and others)

Scarred Lands Creature Collection for 5th Edition RPG

Treacherous Traps for 5th Edition!

Tegel Manor Returns!

SECRETS of BLACKMOOR: The True History of Dungeons & Dragons

Sea King's Malice: a 5E Adventure in the Deadly Depths

Tales From the Sorcerer Under the Mountain

L'gat's Tome of Amazing Creatures Volume 3

Cities of Harn

Adventures Great and Glorious

The Isle of The Amazons - RPG Zine for #ZineQuest

Symbar - Mother of Darkness

Far Away Lands Nuzoz

Trilemma Adventures Compendium

Mini-Dungeon Monthly: RPG zine for D&D 5th Edition

Monsters & Magic: a 5e bestiary and treasury


Lost Hall of Tyr (2nd Edition): Maps and Print Run

Your Best Game Ever!


Secrets of the Nethercity Estimated delivery Jun 2019

Castles & Crusades: Den of Iniquity Estimated delivery Jun 2019

Dungeons of Amara: Poems and Art of Monsters and Townfolks

The Ultraviolet Grasslands

A Rasp of Sand: A Roguelike Tabletop RPG Experience

The Tomb of Black Sand

The City of Great Lunden

Fateforge: a 5th Edition Roleplaying Game

The King of Dungeons


The Folio #22 (1E/5E D&D Adventure)

John Carter of Mars - The Roleplaying Game

The Vagabond’s Cyclopedia: an OSR + PbtA Supplement

Desert Dwellers Estimated

Humblewood Campaign Setting for 5e DND

Silent Titans Estimated delivery

Rex Draconis RPG - Rising Tides

Vagabonds of Dyfed RPG: OSR meets PbtA

The Midderlands Expanded - An OSR Setting Expansion

The Bane of Roslof Keep high level 1E & 5E gaming adventure

Trudvang Chronicles - Stormlands

Calidar "On Wings of Darkness"

Esoterica Tabletop Roleplaying Game

Sandy Petersen's Cthulhu Mythos for 5e

Dortoka: an OSR + PbtA City Module

Folio of Fiendish Monsters 1E monster compendium

Occult Secrets of the Underworld

The Complete White Ship Campaign 1E&5E mega-adventure

Make/100! Spell: The RPG & Spellbook Engraved Wood Box Set

YNDAROS: THE DARKEST STAR, award-winning Symbaroum campaign

Over the Edge: A Roleplaying Game of Weird Urban Danger

The Curse of Roslof Keep high level 1E & 5E gaming adventure

Confrontation – Classic The legendary skirmish game (note I just gave them a buck to read their updates)

The Dragon Heresy Introductory Set Fantasy RPG (5E-variant)

Rappan Athuk: Reborn for Fifth Edition! Go down the Well!

Tome of Horrors: Reborn for Fifth Edition

SYMBAROUM - Monster Codex

Forbidden Lands - Retro Open-World Survival Fantasy RPG

The Folio #16 & #17 Double 1E & 5E Adventure Set

The Folio #18 & #19, 1E & 5E Adventures

Lost Hall of Tyr: A 5e Adventure (Dungeon Grappling support)

Luminous Echo: The Forgotten King extended campaign

Spire RPG

Artifices of Quartztoil Tower - 5E Adventure

Capharnaum - The Roleplaying Game

Sommerlund City Maps

Midgard Campaign Setting: Dark Roads & Deep Magic

Luminous Echo: The Forgotten King extended campaign Estimated delivery Dec 2017

Slumbering Ursine Dunes

Heroic Fantasy & Barbarian Conquerors Collection

50 sHAdes of VORpal (Declared done)

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Kickstarters 2022 Year end

Once again an update on the Kickstarters I backed. 2022 was a good year for Kickstarters including several escapes from the wall of shame. I seem to still be adding Kickstarters at the rate of 3-4 a month, so my list of not yet due has increased a fair amount. My preference for .pdfs has saved me from the long shipping delays many projects have encountered. Now I have to start reading some of the completed ones and maybe write some reviews.

 Projects I backed

Not Due yet

Villainous Champions of the Shadow Keep Estimated delivery Aug 2023

Heart of St. Bathus, A 5e Underworld Adventure Estimated delivery Jun 2023

Ultimate Guide to Foraging, Harvesting & Natural Discovery Estimated delivery Nov 2023

Beyond Corny Groń: Adventurer's Guide Estimated delivery Jun 2023

Dr Dhrolin's Dictionary of Dinosaurs Estimated delivery Nov 2023

Secrets of the Golden Throne Estimated delivery Nov 2023

Heretic's Guide to Devotion & Divinity (5E) Estimated delivery Feb 2023

Torrents of the Spellhoarder Estimated delivery Nov 2023

The Gloaming Wild - 5e Survival-horror Estimated delivery May 2023

Riftborne: Champions of the Multiverse - a 5e Supplement Estimated delivery Jul 2023

Masters, Minions and Tactics: a 5th Edition Supplement Estimated delivery Jan 2023

Maera: A 5E Compatible Fantasy RPG Campaign Setting Estimated delivery Dec 2022 done

Beacon TTRPG Estimated delivery Sep 2023

Drakar och Demoner / Dragonbane Estimated delivery Aug 2023

Wastes of Chaos: Enter the 5E Borderlands Estimated delivery Jul 2023

THE WORLD OF KENSEI - For 5E Estimated delivery Jun 2023

Tomb - A Dungeon Crawl For 5e Estimated delivery Aug 2023

MINION RPG Zine Estimated delivery Feb 2023

When the Wolf Comes RPG Estimated delivery Jan 2023

Steinhardt's Guide to the Eldritch Hunt: A 5e Supplement Estimated delivery Mar 2023

Folio #29 The Ogre Arena Gaming Adventure! Estimated delivery Jan 2023

50 Years of Text Games: From Oregon Trail to A.I. Dungeon Estimated delivery Jan 2023

Return to Dark Tower Fantasy Roleplaying Game Estimated delivery May 2023

Campaign Builder: Cities & Towns for 5th Edition Estimated delivery Mar 2023

Nejavina - Slavic 5E Setting and 3D Printable Miniatures Estimated delivery Apr 2023

FAST Core Rulebook - Multi-Genre RPG System Estimated delivery Jan 2023

"Flee, Mortals!" - The MCDM Monster Book for 5e Estimated delivery Aug 2023

5th Edition Adventure: The Undying War Estimated delivery Jun 2023

Astro Inferno Estimated delivery Mar 2023

Cyran's Magnificent Walking Marketplace Estimated delivery Feb 2023

Zin Never Dies: The Roleplaying Game Estimated delivery Mar 2023

Elements of Inspiration - Bring Your World To Life Estimated delivery Feb 2023

A bit Late

Rultmoork Estimated delivery Dec 2022

Shards of Ascension 1-3 for 5e Estimated delivery Dec 2022

REACH OF THE ROACH GOD - Part of A Thousand Thousand Islands Estimated delivery Oct 2022

Skyraiders of Abarax: A 5E world from Tracy & Laura Hickman Estimated delivery Nov 2022

DungeonMorphs IV: More RPG Map Design Dice & Cards Estimated delivery Aug 2022

Dice-Free Dungeons: Quickstart Guide Estimated delivery Jun 2022

Uncharted Lands: Book & STL Collection Estimated delivery Sep 2022

Forbidden Lands RPG – Book of Beasts and The Bloodmarch Estimated delivery Aug 2022

DCC Dying Earth Estimated delivery Sep 2022

Realms of Peril Dec 2021

The Many Crypts of Lady Ingrade (Zine Quest) Oct 2021

Darkest Dungeon: The Board Game Nov 2021

Where My Peeps At? October 2021

Glorantha: The Gods War (Reprint & NEW Expansions) Nov 2021

Unfamiliar Apr 2021

Heckna! Carnival Horror Campaign Setting for 5e DnD Jan 2021 almost done

Headed for the wall of shame

            The Titans Trail: A Mech vs Kaiju 5e Expansion Module Jan 2021

Reach of Titan Dec 2019

Metal Gods of Ur-Hadad Zine Returns! Oct 2019

Rise of the Demigods Mar 2019


Salt in the Wounds (I had originally marked this one done based on receipt of the campaign setting, but on reviewing my pledge I realized I had been promised a good deal more).


The ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery) Roleplaying Game

Never ending Story

Ryuutama (basically done but pledge contains permanent electronic updates)

Pieces missing

Rhune (one adventure short)

Please come home, I still love you baby (way past due, I still want the item).

Throne of night

Completed since last update

Beasts of the Dissonance –5e

Land of the Rising Sun

5e RPG - Tomb of the Colossus Gods

The Lazy DM's Companion

Soulmist : A Journey from Darkness to Light (5e)

Twilight Fables

Ascoleth: The Last Great City

Book of Ebon Tides: 5th Edition enters the Plane of Shadow!

Westlands, a 2D6 System RPG Core Book

Colostle - The Roomlands


Downtime in Zyan

Dungeon Local 001

Tim Kask's Curse of the Weaver Queen | Expanded Box Set

Mimics, An Unnecessary Work, for Use With Fantasy RPGs

Limitless Monsters vol.2 (5e)

Mimic Tamers

Folio #28 The Howling Dungeon Gaming Adventure!

Planebreaker—Explore the Planes for 5e

GURPS Girl Genius Roleplaying Game

Planegea: The Prehistoric 5th Edition Campaign

The Practical Guide to Becoming a Great GM

Cha'alt: Chartreuse Shadows

Creatures: Complete Monster Compendium 2 for 5E

Tome of Beasts 3: Full Throttle 5th Edition Monster Mayhem

The Heart of Chentoufi: Adventure in Luke Gygax's Okkorim

GOZR - An Adventure RPG in a Broken Future

Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition

Demiverse: A Campaign Setting for 5e & Those Who Wander

Fearsome Foes and Where to Fight Them

Historica Arcanum: The City of Crescent (5E)

Herbalist's Primer

Book of Lost Lore & Book of Lost Beasts

Spire's End: Hildegard

Dungeons of Drakkenheim

Heliana's Guide To Monster Hunting: A 5e

Ruins of Symbaroum for 5E

Barrowmaze: Dwarrowdeep (OSR and 5E)Dead Man's Rust - a mega-adventure for Scarred Lands 5E

Pexia's Guide to Omeria Fifth Edition Campaign Sourcebook

Airship Campaigns

Trudvang: Seed of Vanirs

The Wildsea RPG

Blackstorm Realms: A 5th Edition Setting

The Folio: Retro Classics, Ice on the Water Trilogy


Greg Stolze's Reign, Second Edition (PDF)

Marmoreal Tomb (PDF)

Demon City: The Ultimate Horror RPG

Critical Core

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Kickstarte Update 2022

 Projects I backed

Not Due yet

Mimics, An Unnecessary Work, for Use With Fantasy RPGs Estimated delivery May 2022

Soulmist : A Journey from Darkness to Light (5e)€20.00Flesh Hunter Estimated delivery Dec 2022

Limitless Monsters vol.2 (5e)$15.00PDF Limitless Monsters vol. 2 Estimated delivery Apr 2022

The Folio: Retro Classics, Ice on the Water Trilogy$20.00Trilogy PDF Estimated delivery Oct 2022

Mimic Tamers€5.00Mimic Tamers 5E Estimated delivery Jan 2022

Folio #28 The Howling Dungeon Gaming Adventure! Estimated delivery Aug 2022

REACH OF THE ROACH GOD - Part of A Thousand Thousand Islands Estimated delivery Oct 2022

Planebreaker—Explore the Planes for 5e Estimated delivery Aug 2022

Skyraiders of Abarax: A 5E world from Tracy & Laura Hickman Estimated delivery Nov 2022

GURPS Girl Genius Roleplaying Game Estimated delivery May 2022

Planegea: The Prehistoric 5th Edition Campaign Setting Estimated delivery Jun 2022

The Practical Guide to Becoming a Great GM Estimated delivery Sep 2022

Cha'alt: Chartreuse Shadows Estimated delivery Jun 2022

Book of Ebon Tides: 5th Edition enters the Plane of Shadow! Estimated delivery Jul 2022

Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition Estimated delivery Dec 2021

Demiverse: A Campaign Setting for 5e & Those Who Wander Estimated delivery Apr 2022

Fearsome Foes and Where to Fight Them Estimated delivery Jan 2022

The Lazy DM's Companion$20.00The Full Lazy DM Series in PDF Estimated delivery Oct 2022

Historic a Arcanum: The City of Crescent (5E) Estimated delivery Apr 2022

Herbalist's Primer Estimated delivery Feb 2022

Uncharted Lands: Book & STL Collection Estimated delivery Sep 2022

Forbidden Lands RPG – Book of Beasts and The Bloodmarch Estimated delivery Aug 2022

Book of Lost Lore & Book of Lost Beasts Estimated delivery Mar 2022

Spire's End: Hildegard Estimated delivery Jul 2022

DCC Dying Earth Estimated delivery Sep 2022

Dungeons of Drakkenheim Estimated delivery Apr 2022

Heliana's Guide To Monster Hunting: A 5e Supplement Estimated delivery Jan 2022

Ruins of Symbaroum for 5E Estimated delivery Feb 2022

Barrowmaze: Dwarrowdeep (OSR and 5E)CA Estimated delivery Aug 2022

Dead Man's Rust - a mega-adventure for Scarred Lands 5E July 2022

A bit late

Pexia's Guide to Omeria Fifth Edition Campaign Sourcebook Dec 2021

Airship Campaigns Dec 2021

Trudvang: Seed of Vanirs Nov 2021

Realms of Peril Dec 2021

The Many Crypts of Lady Ingrade (Zine Quest) Oct 2021

Darkest Dungeon: The Board Game Nov 2021

Where My Peeps At? October 2021

Glorantha: The Gods War (Reprint & NEW Expansions) Nov 2021

The Wildsea RPG August 2021

Blackstorm Realms: A 5th Edition Setting July 2021

Land of the Rising Sun May 2021

Unfamiliar Apr 2021

Heckna! Carnival Horror Campaign Setting for 5e DnD Jan 2021

The Titans Trail: A Mech vs Kaiju 5e Expansion Module Jan 2021

Headed for the wall of shame

            GODS - The dark fantasy RPG May 2020

Critical Core Dec 2019

Greg Stolze's Reign, Second Edition Aug 2019

Metal Gods of Ur-Hadad Zine Returns! Oct 2019

Reach of Titan Dec 2019

Demon City: The Ultimate Horror RPG Jun 2019

Rise of the Demigods Mar 2019


Salt in the Wounds (I had originally marked this one done based on receipt of the campaign setting, but on reviewing my pledge I realized I had been promised a good deal more).


The ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery) Roleplaying Game

Never ending Story

Ryuutama (basically done but pledge contains permanent electronic updates)

Pieces missing

Rhune (one adventure short)

Please come home, I still love you baby (way past due, I still want the item).

Marmoreal Tomb (Two books out of Three)

Throne of night

Completed since the last update

 Wanderer's Guide to Merchants & Magic (5E)

The Prophecy of Nine Omens Trilogy (5e)

Fantasy City Sites and Scenes III, for use with Fantasy RPGs

Rangers of the Midden Vale

Calidar "Alfdaín Ascendant"

SIN: A Spire RPG Sourcebook

Folio #27 Lair of the Serpents Gaming Adventure!

Nightfell: Horror Fantasy Setting for 5e

Vault of Magic for 5th Edition

Monsters of the Wilderness for 5th Edition

Saving Cha'alt


THE ONE RING™ Roleplaying Game, Second Edition

Desert Moon of Karth

Where the Wheat Grows Tall

Through Ultan's Door

Dangerous Destinations Hardcover or PDF for any Fantasy RPG!

Kibbles' Compendium of Craft and Creation

Those Who Wander


Caelum: A Shattered Sky

The Fox's Wedding: a Compendium of Japanese Folklore Jun 2021

Southlands 5th Edition: A Realm of High Adventure Aug 2021

Folio #26 The Virgin Mine Gaming Adventure!

Into the Unknown: A Solo Campaign for 5e, B/X, and S&W!


Worlds Without Number

Aaralyn's Stolen Notes to Velea (Reprint) - 5e Setting

The Scarlet Citadel: A 5th Edition Dungeon of Secrets

Creatures: Complete Monster Compendium for 5E

Legends of Omeria Starter Set Jan 2021

Book of Monstrous Might for 5E Dungeons & Dragons DnD RPG Jan 2021

Exalted Vales: Region and Campaign Guide for D&D 5th edition

Castles & Crusades Castle Keepers Guide

Tales of Arcana 5E (5th Edition) Race Guide

Hearts of Wulin Sep 2020

The Fall of Mith: Aeteum Sep 2020

Cat's Cradle: A Fantasy Town for 5e and Other RPG Systems

Trudvang Adventures - for 5E

Rise of the Ice Dragons Trilogy: Three RPG Adventures for 5e

Shadows of Esteren RPG: Dark Romanticism

The Greatest Thieves in Lankhmar: A DCC Boxed Set

Ptolus: Monte Cook's City by the Spire

EMBERWIND: a new breed of tabletop RPG

World of Aetaltis - RPG Campaign Setting for 5E

Vampire: the Masquerade - Blood Feud a Mega Board Game

Ruin Masters

Ian Miller’s Grim Tarock

Arcana of the Ancients, a 5E science-fantasy sourcebook

The Ultimate Guide to Alchemy, Crafting & Enchanting for 5E  

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